Adeu's Legend TV (Haō Taikei Ryū Knight)

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It tells the story of Adeu, a boy who lives his life by the "Ethos of Chivalry" (a code of conduct similar to the Knightly Virtues), who is on a quest to Earth's Blade, a gigantic sword reaching to the sky from the ground. Along the way, he meets Paffy, who is a princess and her two escorts, Sarutobi, a ninja, and Izumi, a priest. Throughout their adventure, they come across many villains, mostly composed of thieves and bandits who are after their Ryu mechs, which are far stronger than the normal mechs (henceforth referred to as Solids).

 TV01-Adeu Waltham 001

 TV12-Izumi 001

 TV14-Ryu Priest Baurus & Princess Paffy 001

 TV14-Ryu Priest Baurus VS Bounty Hunter 0001

 TV18-Lord Galden 002

 TV20-Undead Warrior VS Gesshin

 TV21-Katze,Gisshen,Adeu,Izumi & Paffy 001

 TV22-Izumi, Sarutobi & Adeu 001

 TV22-Ryu Chief Shinebaram VS Ryu Knight Zephyr

 TV24-Katze & Sarutobi 001

 TV24-Great Ryus & Maria (Paffy's Mother)

 TV27-Galden 001

 TV28-Hittel & Princess Paffy 001

 TV30-Gesshin & His Father

 TV30-Gesshin & Adeu 001

 TV32-Gratches, Momochi & Adeu 001

 TV34-Gisshen carrying Shinderu & Shirley 001

 TV34-Ian 001

 TV39-Galden 003

Curator: jckun
Gallery Created: 8/18/2003
Hits: 58553

Presentation 8.46/10   Collection 8.98/10   Overall 8.73/10   Votes 56 votes
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